Kick Your Shoes Off Because Walking Barefoot Might Help With Depression &...
Gwyneth Paltrow‘s infamous new-age lifestyle site has delivered the goods once more, offering subscribers an interesting alternative to combat depression. Earlier this week, the Paltrow-helmed website...
View ArticleTips On Vacationing While Depressed AF #fml
Nothing feels better than being able to travel after being cooped up for over two years. That satisfying feeling you get when you finally make plans with your family or friends to travel abroad and...
View ArticleGet A Bigger Booty With These Easy Exercises!
Booty, booty, booty…! I don’t know what God was thinking when he made the booty, but thank you Lord, it sure is amazing. Tenor Big butts, small butts, barely there butts and invisible butts – welcome...
View ArticleSigns You’re Hyper-Independent (Snap Out Of It!)
It’s no secret that having too much of anything may be destructive – for example, positivity. While having a positive outlook and being optimistic may be ideal, having too much of it can be detrimental...
View ArticleWeight A Minute! What To Do When You Hit A Weight Loss Plateau
As things are going back to normal after two years of being mostly indoors, many of us are either starting or restarting our weight loss journey in order to reach our health goals. However, just like...
View ArticleExercises For A Yummy Tummy (No Bullsh**, Yo!)
When it comes to getting rid of body fat, belly fat is the most stubborn. Sometimes, its easier to burn fat in other areas of the body compared to the tum-tum. Probably because everything we eat kind...
View ArticleDaddy Issues: How To Get Over Effed-Up Past Relationships
If you’ve been on the internet long enough, you’ve likely heard of the term ‘Daddy Issues’. Yes, the term has been tossed around a lot recently, but what does it actually mean? Though there isn’t a...
View ArticleSet Boundaries To Prevent Werk, Werk, Werk, Werk, Werk Burnout
Work burnout is a very real and valid experience that every worker goes through when they fail to handle their stress level and workload. Most of the time, these burnouts happen when we take on more...
View Article5 Things NOT To Say To Someone With Anxiety
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread and uneasiness that can cause someone to sweat, feel restless, tense-up and have a rapid heartbeat. If you have anxiety, you of all people would know what the best...
View ArticleWine For The Mind: The Mental Health Benefits Of Red Wine
There’s nothing more relaxing than winding down with a glass of red wine after a long, tiring day. If you do this, then you’d be happy to hear that drinking a glass of red wine is more than just...
View ArticleRespect Me, Please? Boundary-Setting Mistakes We Often Make
Setting boundaries with others – regardless of the type of connection you have with them – is a healthy method of safeguarding your psychological health, as we all know. It’s to raise awareness among...
View ArticleA Healthy Work-Life Balance Is Possible, Working Millennial Gurrrls!
How often do we come across memes on the internet that are (subtly or not so subtly) making fun of our unhealthy work-life balance? Sure, we laugh at those jokes and share them in WhatsApp groups –...
View ArticleShots Fired? 4 Ways To Regulate Your Emotions When Triggered
It’s not pleasant to relive a negative memory, but it’s unavoidable that we come across specific words or gestures that bring that memory flooding back. When you’re triggered, you’re reliving a prior...
View ArticleMoan No More: How To Stop Yourself From Whining About Life
“Complain” (noun) – The expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance about something. Ahhh, yes, the good ole’ act of complaining… what we we look forward to indulging in with our girlfriends. We moan...
View ArticleStraight Road Ahead: How To Notice The Signs That You’re Doing Well In Life!
This generation is so obsessed with finding red flags in life that sometimes, we fail to acknowledge the green flags in front of our eyes. Sure, it’s easy to pinpoint all the bad things in life, but...
View ArticleRead This And Weep: The Benefits Of Crying Your Heart Out
It’s safe to say that the past two years have given us more than enough to cry about. Though due to the expectations of society, many people still view crying as a negative or ‘weak’ thing to do (which...
View ArticleShake The Shakes Off: 7 Things To Avoid If You’re Dealing With Anxiety
Anxiety – it sneaks up on us when we least expect it. However, for some, it is a daily fight or flight struggle that requires tremendous mental effort to overcome. I am no expert, but in the past few...
View Article6 Legit Benefits You’ll Gain When You Lose The Booze!
Now that we’re in the month of November, many people who opted for a ‘Sober October’ will ditch the bottle and re-evaluate their alcohol consumption. While becoming fully sober may sound daunting to...
View ArticleI’m A Liver, Not A Fighter: Detoxing Your Liver Using Traditional Chinese...
The primary function of our livers is to assist us with detoxification. But how many of you could say that you’re actually cooperating to make your liver’s job simpler? Cocktails, long sedentary work...
View ArticleWeight A Minute: Benefits Of Lifting Weights You DIDN’T Know About!
Working out is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. But many individuals lift weights at the gym merely to look bigger, even though resistance training is an excellent way to enhance strength and...
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