Gwyneth Paltrow‘s infamous new-age lifestyle site has delivered the goods once more, offering subscribers an interesting alternative to combat depression.
Earlier this week, the Paltrow-helmed website introduces readers to the concept of Earthing: How Walking Barefoot Could Cure Your Insomnia & More, explaining to its readers how earthing therapy is the key to curing mental and physical woes including insomnia, arthritis, and depression.
“Earthing therapy rests on the intuitive assumption that connecting to the energy of the planet is healthy for our souls and bodies,” the post continues, “Several people in our community including Gwyneth Paltrow swear by earthing, also called grounding, for everything from inflammation and arthritis to insomnia and depression.”

While Goop’s newfound discovery might sound absurd and ridiculous, we feel like the method could actually make sense. Hear us out: Throughout most of evolution, humans walked barefoot and slept on the ground, largely oblivious that the surface of the Earth contains limitless healing energy.
Science has discovered this energy as free-flowing electrons constantly replenished by solar radiation and lightning. Few people know it, but the ground provides a subtle electric signal that maintains health and governs the intricate mechanisms that make our bodies work-just like plugging a lamp into a power socket makes it light up.

Research suggests that disconnection from nature may be a major contributor to physiological dysfunction and general unwellness. Modern lifestyle, including the widespread use of insulative rubber or plastic-soled shoes, has disconnected us from this energy and when people say, “Who even has the time to think about nature?”, that’s exactly what the problem is.
Thus, most people turn to camping or hiking trips to reset their overworked minds. Other nature-related activities such as picnic or just chilling on the ground help too. However, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions, as mental illness is a subjective matter. You may use ‘earthing’ in addition to your planned medical care but do not replace it.
There is one caveat: You must do your ‘earthing’ outside. Walking around barefoot at home just won’t cut it. The conductive or non-conductive materials like concrete foundations and hardwood floors insulate us from the earth’s electric potential, which basically give a very different outcome than walking on the ground.
The post Kick Your Shoes Off Because Walking Barefoot Might Help With Depression & Other Things appeared first on LIPSTIQ.