How often do we come across memes on the internet that are (subtly or not so subtly) making fun of our unhealthy work-life balance? Sure, we laugh at those jokes and share them in WhatsApp groups – only to have our friends reply, ‘’We can relate’’. And then we proceed to make other (endless) jokes about our jobs.
But the truth is… it ain’t that funny. Because if we look around, everyone is facing their own challenges in balancing their work life and personal life. Yes, sure, the opportunity to become successful in a career is equal for everyone who is passionate about it, including millennial girls. There are a lot of successful women who can be the leaders of strong companies – and yet can maintain their happy families. But it doesn’t have to involve sacrificing one’s personal life and boundaries.
It takes a lifetime commitment to become a successful woman. But remember that there is no single person in the world who can satisfy everyone. There will always be critics or complaints about everything we do even though we did our best. DO NOT try to live up to OTHER people’s expectations! Know that the decisions we make, the actions we take, and also the hard work we do, are all for the benefit of ourselves. Try your best to have a work-life balance, and be happy with the rest.
Here’s what you can do:
1. Create Daily Plans
Implementing a time management plan would help you to be more focused and productive at work. Break down your ‘to-do list’ for work, create a time estimation, and plan to get it done. Also, create your family plan, for example, meal plan, holiday plan, quality time with your partner, etc. Make sure to schedule these beforehand, so there will not be a ruined schedule.
2. Set Boundaries And Work Hours
Separating your life from your work would ensure that you have time set aside for your loved ones every day. Start blocking out time when you are off duty. That means no checking emails, answering phone calls, or even thinking about work. When work hours are over, make sure you’re focusing on your loved ones and spending time with them.
3. Find Positive Role Models
Look at the people around you – colleagues, friends, relatives who seem to have it all. A loving family, healthy relationship, a booming career, and a clear sense of happiness/fulfillment. They can inspire you to achieve the same balance of career and love. Do they always work until 11 pm every day or do they dedicate every 2-3 nights per week to investing in their personal life? Do they frequently cancel family dinners because they have a morning meeting tomorrow, or do they know that spending time with their family is important?
4. Stay Connected With Your Friends
We all need time like this to kick back and unwind with people we love. Going out with friendss will remind you how great your life already is, and help you appreciate it more. Having quality time with yourself is also important, since you will know how you’re doing, remember your limits, keep up with yourself, acknowledge yourself for how far you’ve come, and update your life plan.
More on self-improvement? Read this:
The post A Healthy Work-Life Balance Is Possible, Working Millennial Gurrrls! appeared first on LIPSTIQ.