Work burnout is a very real and valid experience that every worker goes through when they fail to handle their stress level and workload. Most of the time, these burnouts happen when we take on more work than we should, which not only takes a toll on us physically, but mentally as well.
Not wanting to disappoint people you work with is a valid feeling to have, because you strive to perform well in your career. However, if the work is more than you can handle and you don’t perform well, what’s the point in agreeing to do it? It’s better to work within your capabilities rather than taking on a heavier workload than you can handle.
Thus, to prevent from adding more to your plate, here are 5 ways to set boundaries in your workplace in order to prevent the dreaded burnout.
Realistic Goals

Setting realistic expectations on the work you have will help in preventing you from experiencing burnout. If you can only handle a couple things for the day and the work is a lot heavier than what you typically do, it’s totally fine with only focusing on the two jobs only. It’ll help ease your mind, as you know how much work you will be doing throughout the day, and it’ll save you from being too exhausted for the rest of the week.
Say Yes When Needed

This one takes baby steps, as saying “no” to your superior or colleague may be a bit difficult. But try to say ‘no’ to smaller requests that don’t add anything to your productivity. It’ll also help if you could communicate better in terms of the way you say “no”, such as saying “I’ve already put in my time this week” or “I currently have a lot on my plate”. It does take courage to properly reject your superior’s request, but in time, you will be able to do it.
Express Your Concern

The easiest way to lessen the burden on yourself is to communicate with your superior. You can only handle so much and only you know your own capabilities, especially with finishing a task. Your mental health is truly more important than any job you’re taking, so it’s really important that you express to your boss your needs in order to complete your work.
Focus On Your Work

It’s a tad bit frustrating when a colleague interrupts you when you’re busy working – especially when you’re in the zone and intent on finishing your work quickly. When they come to strike a conversation, you can’t help but be cordial with them, and respond so as not to be rude and dismiss them. But finishing and lessening the workload is key here, thus, when a colleague does pop up at your table, you can politely tell them to talk with you some other time during the day when you can fully focus on the conversation, as you are in the middle of something at the moment.
Your Time Off Is Sacred

Your weekend should be the only time when you don’t think or worry about work. It’s the perfect time for you to recharge and have the rest that you truly deserve after a long and tiring week. Spend your time at home and just lounge around or do something as productive as cooking, and later indulging in and rewarding yourself with a nice meal. Trust me – worrying about work on a weekend won’t add anything to your paycheck.
More on work advice? Read these:
A Healthy Work-Life Balance Is Possible, Working Millennial Gurrrls!
The post Set Boundaries To Prevent Werk, Werk, Werk, Werk, Werk Burnout appeared first on LIPSTIQ.